

This chapter covers the LXD based workflow v1.

edi comes with a few reusable plugins:

LXC/LXD Templates

During the root file system assembly edi adds templates to the container image (see LXD Documentation).

The following templates are already predefined:


This template dynamically adds the /etc/hostname file to the container.

Configuration Example
    path: lxc_templates/debian/hostname/hostname.yml


This template dynamically adds the /etc/hosts file to the container.

Configuration Example
    path: lxc_templates/debian/hosts/hosts.yml

LXC/LXD Profiles

With the help of profiles a container configuration can be fine tuned in a modular way (see LXD Profile Documentation).

The following profiles have proven to be useful for various projects:

Default Network Interface

This profile adds a default network interface to the container named according to the value of edi_lxc_network_interface_name. The interface is of type bridged and its default parent is lxdbr0. To properly deal with legacy or emulated containers please use edibr0 instead of lxdbr0 by setting the general parameter edi_lxc_bridge_interface_name:

Configuration Example
  edi_lxc_bridge_interface_name: edibr0


      path: lxc_profiles/general/lxc_networking/default_interface.yml

On the bridges matching edibr* checksum offloading gets disabled (e.g. ethtool -K edibr0 tx off). This is to make sure that emulated and legacy containers can get an IPv4 address assigned.

Default Root Device

This profile makes sure that the container uses the default storage pool as its root device. Please note that newer LXD versions (>=2.9) require the configuration of a storage pool.

Configuration Example
    path: lxc_profiles/general/default_root_device/default_root_device.yml

Privileged Mode

This profile will make sure that the container is running in privileged mode.

Configuration Example
    path: lxc_profiles/general/security/privileged.yml

Please note that if a container has one or more shared folders configured it will automatically be turned into privileged mode.

Suppress Init

This profile will make sure that the container does not start using systemd but instead uses dumb-init. This is especially useful during the build of a distributable image. During such a build you just want to assemble the image without starting any services.

The following configuration snippet will conditionally enable the usage of dumb-init:

Configuration Example
    path: lxc_profiles/general/suppress_init/suppress_init.yml
    skip: {{ not edi_create_distributable_image }}

dumb-init is not part of the default package set during bootstrapping. For this reason you have to add it within the bootstrap section (otherwise the launching of the container will fail):

Configuration Example
  additional_packages: ["python", "sudo", "netbase", "net-tools", "iputils-ping", "ifupdown", "isc-dhcp-client", "resolvconf", "systemd", "systemd-sysv", "gnupg", "dumb-init"]

GUI Passthrough

Sometimes it is very useful to run an application with a graphical user interface (GUI) within a container and show it on the display of the host system. To achieve this setup a predefined LXC profile can be added to the configuration:

Configuration Example
      path: lxc_profiles/general/gui/passthrough.yml
      skip: {{ edi_create_distributable_image }}

The passthrough template is a bit more complicated and looks like this:

Passthrough Template
name: gui_passthrough
config: {}
{% if edi_current_display is defined and edi_current_display %}
{% if edi_lxd_version is defined and edi_lxd_version.split('.')[0] | int >= 4 %}
description: edi graphical user interface passthrough
    bind: container
    connect: unix:@/tmp/.X11-unix/X{{ edi_current_display }}
    listen: unix:@/tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    security.gid: {{ edi_current_user_gid }}
    security.uid: {{ edi_current_user_uid }}
    type: proxy
    type: gpu
{% else %}
description: edi graphical user interface passthrough - not supported by LXD version
devices: {}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
description: edi graphical user interface passthrough - no display
devices: {}
{% endif %}

edi will automatically try to retrieve the current display setup from the DISPLAY environment variable and pass it to the template as edi_current_display. Please note that this variable might change if multiple users are logged into the same workstation. In such scenarios you can adjust the setup easily by re-applying the command edi lxc configure CONTAINERNAME CONFIG.yml.

Furthermore this feature is only available for installations with LXD versions greater or equal than 4.0.

Please also note that this feature is only available for containers that run in privileged mode.

Once this profile has been successfully applied to the container, a GUI application can be launched as follows:

export DISPLAY=:0

To add even more convenience, the development user facilities playbook can be configured to automatically add the export DISPLAY=:0 statement to the ~/.profile file of the container user using the export_display parameter.

Ansible Playbooks

edi ships with a few Ansible playbooks that can be re-used in many projects. This playbooks can also serve as an example if you want to write a custom playbook for your own project.

Please take a look at the comprehensive documentation of Ansible if you want to write your own playbook.

Here is a description of the built-in playbooks including the parameters that can be used to fine tune them:

Base System

The base system playbook tackles the following tasks:

  • Setup the lxc container network interface (optional).

  • Inherit the proxy settings from the host computer (optional).

  • Perform a basic apt setup.

  • Add a default user (optional).

  • Install an openssh server (optional).

The following code snippet adds the base system playbook to your configuration:

Configuration Example
      create_default_user: true
      install_openssh_server: true
    path: playbooks/debian/base_system/main.yml

The playbook can be fine tuned as follows:

The proxy settings can be customized as follows:

The default user can be fine tuned as follows:

Base System Cleanup

The base system cleanup playbook makes sure that we get a clean distributable image by doing the following tasks:

  • It removes the openssh server keys (they shall be unique per system).

  • It removes cached apt data to reduce the artifact footprint.

  • It finalizes the proxy setup.

  • It sets the final hostname.

The following code snippet adds the base system cleanup playbook to your configuration:

Configuration Example
      path: playbooks/debian/base_system_cleanup/main.yml
          hostname: raspberry

The playbook can be fine tuned as follows:

The final proxy settings can be customized as follows:

Development User Facilities

The development user facilities playbook adds the host user (the user that runs edi) to the target system. In case the target system is an LXD container and shared folders are defined, the playbook will make sure that the specified folders are shared between the host system and the LXD container.

The host user will automatically be authorized to ssh into the target system.

The password for the user (same user name as the host user) in the target system will be ChangeMe!.

Please note that this playbook will get skipped entirely when a distributable image gets created (when edi_create_distributable_image is True).

The following code snippet adds the development user facilities playbook to your configuration:

Configuration Example
      path: playbooks/debian/development_user_facilities/main.yml
          export_display: True

The playbook can be fine tuned as follows:

Postprocessing Commands

Postprocessing commands can be used to gradually transform an exported LXD container into the desired artifacts (e.g. an image that can get flashed to an SD card).

A typical post processing command can be configured as follows:

Configuration Example
      path: postprocessing_commands/rootfs/lxd2rootfs.edi
      require_root: True
          pi3_rootfs: {{ edi_configuration_name }}_rootfs

edi will render the file postprocessing_commands/rootfs/lxd2rootfs.edi using the Jinja2 template engine and then execute it. It is a good practice to use this file as a thin shim between edi and the scripts that do the heavy lifting.

The statement require_root: True tells edi that a privileged user (sudo) is needed to execute the command.

Each post processing command shall create at least one (intermediate) artifact that gets specified within the output node. The resulting artifact can be used as an input for the next post processing command.

The specified output can be either a single file or a folder (if multiple files get generated by the command).

The variable edi_input_artifact can be used to locate the artifact that got generated before the post processing commands get called. It contains typically the artifact created by the edi lxc export command.

The post processing commands are implemented in a very generic way and to get an idea of what they can do please take a look at the the edi-pi configuration.

Documentation Steps

edi ships with a few Jinja2 templates that can be re-used in many projects. This templates can also serve as an example if you want to write custom templates for your own project.

To develop custom templates and learn more about the Jinja2 rendering context the documentation command can be executed in debug mode:


Changes the log level of the command to the desired log level (DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL).

The output of the provided templates is reStructuredText that can be further tweaked and then be transformed into a nice pdf document using Sphinx. For more details please take a look at the edi-pi example configuration.

Please note that you can generate other output formats such as markdown by providing custom templates.

The templates get applied chunk by chunk. The booleans edi_doc_first_chunk and edi_doc_last_chunk can be used within the templates to add a header or a footer where needed.


The index template can be used to generate an index file:

Configuration Example
    path: documentation_steps/rst/templates/index.rst.j2
      file: index.rst
      edi_doc_include_packages: []
      toctree_items: ['setup', 'versions', 'changelog']


The setup template can be used to document the build setup:

Configuration Example
    path: documentation_steps/rst/templates/setup.rst.j2
      file: setup.rst
      edi_doc_include_packages: []


The versions template can be used to document the package versions:

Configuration Example
      file: versions.rst
    path: documentation_steps/rst/templates/versions.rst.j2


The changelog template can be used to document the changes of each package:

Configuration Example
    path: documentation_steps/rst/templates/changelog.rst.j2
      file: changelog.rst
      edi_doc_include_changelog: True
      edi_doc_changelog_baseline: 2019-12-01 00:00:00 GMT
      - pattern: '(CVE-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4,6})'
        replacement: '`\1 <\1>`_'
      - pattern: '(?i)[#]*(Closes:\s[#])([0-9]{6,10})'
        replacement: '`\1\2 <\2>`_'
      - pattern: '(?i)[#]*(LP:\s[#])([0-9]{6,10})'
        replacement: '`\1\2 <\2>`_'